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Учебные материалы по английскому языку

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It’s a charming fairy-tale for the little ones. Once upon a time in the city by the sea lived a rich merchant with his big falimy. He had three sons and three daughters. One of the children, daughter Beauty, was very special. She had a kind heart and was so beautiful, that everybody loved her. One day when merchant went back home across the forest the weather got worse and he had lost his way. Suddenly the man had found a castle and hoped for survive there. The castle was empty, but he had found there a food, warm bed and clothes. The next day, when the weather got better, old merchant went out to the garden and took one most beautiful rose for his Beauty. It was a terrible mistake because it angered the owner of this castle. Now old man had to pay by his death.

This book is a classic pirate's adventure novel. It's fascinating story about the search of treasure which has been hidden by the captain Flint on a desert island. A young boy Jim accidentally involved in this story and later played a very significant role. It began when an old seaman had arrived to the inn, owned by the boy's father. It was immediately clear that this man accustomed to command. He introduced himself as Capitan and was a cad and drank constantly. He tried to avoid any society, but when he was drunk, he told his sea stories for all around. Captain was paying Jim Hawkins for watching the emergence of seaman with one leg, it seemed he was very afraid to meet one-legged sailor for some reason. Soon, Jim's routine life was turned upside-down by terrible and unexpected accidents.

What do you know about Bermuda Triangle? It’s a miracle place where a lot of people, ships and other things were lost. Have you ever heard about the Blackbeard’s treasure? It was lost in Bermuda Triangle and nobody ever could find it. Not many people want to have such risk for finding treasure. But there are no any barriers if you are a pirate, you are drunk and you hear the sound of coins. The greatest pirate in the whole world Captain Pike came into the bar of port where many sailors were resting. It was deep night and nobody expect for such celebrity. He proposed them adventure but even they didn’t hurry because nobody had never returned Bermuda. At last, Captain Pike managed to collect the team. But whether they can realize his plan?

Legendary comics about one of the great heroes. It is first part of famous series, about Peter Parker, who is a teenage outsider. His life was ordinary and boring. Peter Parker was an orphan and lived with aunt and uncle. He loved beautiful girl next door. His classmates hated him because he was weak and nerdish. Nothing could change a state of things, except a spider. Spider-mutant bit him in a museum once and that bite was enough to turn Peter Parker into the Spider-Man. Superpowers in a hand of yesterday’s loser is a dangerous weapon. Because ex-outsider wanted to make an impression on people and easiest way was to make some money and to buy expensive things. Further chain of events will lead Peter to his true mission.

There was not any good news at in Parker’s family for a long time. Two years have passed since Peter’s uncle died and left him with his aunt alone. All this time Peter tried to arrange his double life as a student and as a spider-man. However, he didn’t succeeded. He lost his job in pizzeria, had quarreled with Mary Jane and he always late for all meetings. He has no money enough for paying the rent and aunt May can lose her house. His friend Harry continues the business of his father and invests in experimental projects. One of them is “fusion” – a new kind of cheap energy. Dr Otto Octavius develop this idea. He was a Peter’s scientist idol and they finally they met. During one of the experiments by Dr.Octavius something went wrong and as a result Spider-Man has received a lot of dirty job.

Peter Pan is one of the most popular child literature characters of the twentieth century. This is a simple and a magical story about a fairy boy, who didn’t want to grow up. Peter has run away from home, and became forever young. He lived with the company of little boys, who had lost in the forest. Once Peter Pan has flown into the nursery, where were the girl Wendy and her two younger brothers and he has changed the lives of these children forever. They went with Peter to the far miracle island called Neverland. There they’ve met with mermaids, brave Indians, playful fairy and even pirates with their evil master captain Hook. The captain Hook's fate would depend from the hands of Peter Pan, his main enemy. Exciting, romantic and dangerous adventures waiting for the heroes.

Числительные представляют собой слова, с помощью которых мы определяем количество или порядок предметов при счете. Нам известно, что в английском языке, как и в русском, есть количественные числительные и порядковые числительные.

Осталось поговорить о дробных числительных в английском языке (fractional numbers). Каким же образом выражаются эти понятия в изучаемом нами языке?

Время – общее понятие для всех народов, а вот в его обозначении у каждой национальности есть свои нюансы и уточнения, которые стоит учитывать, изучая любой иностранный язык.

Всевозможные цифры, числа, даты, время, а также слова, обозначающие количество чего-либо, называют числительными. Изучающим английский необходимо знать о таких словах как можно больше, ведь без них практически невозможно обойтись.

Цифры и числа есть в любом языке, поэтому эта тема не считается трудной для понимания. Числительные каждого языка обладают своими особенностями, которых может не быть в родном языке. Поэтому, изучая эту часть речи, необходимо запомнить названия цифр и чисел, а также случаи их правильного употребления.

Мы сталкиваемся со счетом постоянно. Какой по счету день недели, какая сегодня дата и год, сколько времени, в котором часу начинается рабочий день и до которого часа открыты магазины.… Каждый день мы используем в речи цифры и числа, а, значит, числительные (numeral) являются неотъемлемой и очень важной частью нашей жизни.

It's a famous fairytale for little children over the world. Created by American writer over hundred years ago, this book holds in a top list of the best world tales and is loved by the people of all ages. The phenomena of its popularity can be explained by a special atmosphere of a wonderful country where the main hero Dorothy found herself. She was living with aunt and uncle in Kansas. During a cyclone, she didn't have time to go down to the cellar. The cyclone took away the girl and her little dog Toto from the house into the sky and has brought them in an unknown place. There were a lot of colourful flowers and trees instead of grey land like it was at her homeland. Adventures were waiting for the girl and her new friends at this place. She was going to find a way home and only wonderful wizard of Oz could help her with it.

This book became an inspiration for many writers around the world. The science fiction novel raises questions: what makes us humans? Where is the line, which can't be crossed? The traveller Edward Prednick, who survived shipwreck and he had spent eight days in mid ocean but finally recovered himself in a boat. Beside him was a man, called himself Montgomery. He took care of Edward, and asked victim about his survival in the ocean and about his life. Throughout the conversation, Edward was hearing strange animal sounds, but did not give them a special meaning. Later, when a saved man got better, he understood, that the ship followed to the unnamed island, and people he met on this ship weren’t look like a people...

When you fall in love, you could lose your mind. This a little tale about the most important. A young fisherman went into the sea for fishing every day. Sometimes his catch was good, sometimes bad. One day he caught a sleeping mermaid in his net. When she woke up, she cried and told to the fisherman that her father is a King of the Sea and asked him to let her go. The fisherman agreed, but in exchange for freedom, the mermaid had to come to him when he ask her and to sing songs for a good fishing. She did it every day and fisherman had good catch. Day by day, the young man fell in love with her more and more. Eventually he proposed a marriage for a marine beauty. She agreed, but with the one condition, he had to send away his soul…

Zorro is a popular super hero from Spanish California. He was a foxy and clever revenger, who fought for justice. He wore a mask and a hat, was dressed in black clothes, and was armed with a sword and a whip. Zorro travelled by a black horse and wherever he was, he left a mark by three hits of the sword. Of course, his friends were honest poor natives, and his enemies were dishonest rich men. Sergeant Pedro Gonzales and his soldiers considered Zorro as a criminal and a bandit and wanted to catch him. Once at the February stormy night, the soldiers sat in a tavern and Sergeant Pedro talked to Don Diego that he could easily kill a terrorist Zorro in a fight. When Don Diego went home, Zorro came into the tavern and gave a chance to Sergeant to show that his words cost something.

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