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Поиск по тегу «washington irving»

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Despite the loud name, this story is about another Sleepy Hollow. This text has almost nothing to do with the famous movie. The names of the heroes and the ominous ghost are similar, but the plot and the legend itself are other. The story isn't less interesting than the film by Tim Burton. The plot goes slowly. There is a strong, gloomy atmosphere with some notes of high-quality irony. The plot offers a difficult task and immediately throws a clue to the reader. Abrupt transitions from the ominous mystical atmosphere to a light, bright and amusing manner will not let get bored and make a pleasant variety. The main manner of Washington Irving is to show the vices of his characters and society. He does it with irony and witty jokes. The writer considers superstition and cowardice the main negative qualities of every human.

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