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At night when people go to bed — many small and large animals leave their cozy burrows and go hunting. They begin their active animal life. Many of them can hunt all night and rest during the day. They clearly see in the darkness, no worse than in daylight. After sunset it gets much colder. This is an active period for such animals as possums. These are completely nocturnal beasts. At night, they begin to look for food — plants, insects and small animals. There are other animals that can be active day and night, depending on their needs — like tigers. And the rabbits leave the holes early in the morning and at sunset, when part of the predators have not woken up yet, and some have already gone to sleep. This is a good way to be safe as long as possible.

There are a big number of different types of animals on the planet Earth. There are real big ones like blue whales, elephants or polar bears. There are also so small species that the human eye cannot see them. Their life cycles vary. All living organisms are divided into groups. Most of the animals in the world are invertebrates. There are very few animals with spinal column, but they are much larger in size and people are used to seeing them around. In the life of a wild animal there are many dangers: predators, lack of food and water. Survival is quite difficult. Another terrible enemy of animals is people. They hunt not only for food, but also for entertainment. They cut down the forests that are home for many species. People even poison water and environment.

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