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Very often God gives a man a nice appearance. But the man’s heart becomes coarse apart of this generous gift. Beauty is not the same as inner world. An external ugliness can hide a heart, which holds love to the whole world without any borders. The author of this story introduces such a human to us. His name is Phillip. He has a hunchback with mutilated limbs. The man lives in a quite location. He is an artist. He paints the pictures of nature. Especially he likes painting birds. He learned all of them. Phillip lives in a lighthouse and he often chases down the hunters, who are looking for the birds. The local people are not very fond of Phillip because of his ugliness. But he is said to be a good healer. One day somebody knocked on his door. There was a girl covered with blood. She was holding an injured goose in her hands.

Private Nursing Agency sent a nurse Anne Harrison to a house of a famous writer Kitty Blakemore. Nobody seriously considered that she is ill, the woman had a reputation like hypochondriac. The nurse Anne notices after arriving at the house, that people surrounded Mrs Blackmore don't like her at all, because woman has a terrible temper. Mrs Blackmore doesn't have strong feelings for them either. Only person, who she loves from all her heart is her nephew, he is a local vicar. The Reverend John Palmer visits his aunt very often and always brings her a chocolate. Mrs Blakemore is sure, that somebody is poisoning her and tells about it to her new nurse. But nobody believes her and in vain. One morning they finds her dead.

This is a biography of a legendary actress and style idol in the Hollywood in the 1950-60. This book is about Audrey Hepburn. It's written in an easy and understandable language. The reader will get an opportunity to go through Audrey's sad and happy moments from birth till death. She was a kind and a gentle person with a smile on her face, as many her admires remember. But her life wasn't always happy. Her way to success was thorny. Her parents divorced when she was 6 and she survived the Second World War. Ballet was her dream but her appearance wasn't suitable for this kind of art as Audrey had overweight. The years of war and hunger solved this problem. She became very thin and fragile. When she became a bright ballet star, a film director noticed her beauty and grace. Audrey was invited for filming. From that moment her life changed forever.

Welcome to the world of English literature of the 19th century. This book was honored with a huge number of film adaptations and theater productions. The novel of Henry James «The Turn of the Screw» can rightly be regarded as a model of gothic style. It contains everything, which is an attribute of this literary trend. The book will undoubtedly be interesting not only for those who love terrible, but those who enjoy logical puzzles. A governess is in the center of the story, who was hired for growing two orphans. Also, she was given a condition — she should not in any case to their uncle and guardian, and had to decide all problems by herself or together with a housekeeper. Everything would be great, if not a secret story, which hovers around of them. The point is that the children have had a governess before this one, which suddenly died...

Jennifer Dale is sixteen years old American teenager who is 90dreaming about journalist career. She is excited about starting education at a high school. She and her friends dream about handsome and nice teachers, preferably men. They got some male, but their expectations weren't justified completely. Mr Stone is an teacher of English, his appearance very weird. He is cold, unemotional, has metallic voice like a robot. He shocked Jane and her friends at the very first day. Next day they noticed that he drinks strange liquid and takes black pills. His eyes changes their colour from time to time and he talks to sky during his walks outside! Guys have enough clues for considering that their teacher isn't a human. As says International Space Fan Club, constellation and a comet has met just a week ago in such way that there is a big possibility of alien's voyage on Earth.

Once a doctor, who works at the museum, was walking along the bank of the river Thames in Chelsea. Lots of creative people live in Chelsea and many of them prefer houseboats. They enjoy living on the water. It inspires them and they draw pictures. When the doctor was looking at the houseboats, he noticed a freshly painted small boat called Nerine. A young lady owned this boat. She stuck in the hole and couldn't push back the cover because of the fresh paint. The doctor helped her get out on the deck. They became friends. The lady was quite unusual. She had a pseudonym «Thetis». She lived together with two fishes and an octopus on the boat. Sometimes Thetis would sit near the aquarium and imagine that she lived on the bottom of the ocean. The girl sang a sad song to the doctor. Its title was «The Silver Swans». In this song she asked how she could recognize a true love.

In ancient times goddess Calypso lived on the Earth. She was incredibly gorgeous and owned all the waters of the planet. Her wanderings through the waters led her to a simple sailor Davy Jones. They fell in love with each other. One day Jones arranged a date with her but she didn't come. The man in love decided Calypso had betrayed him. He cut his heart out to relieve his suffering and put it into a chest. The sailor hid this chest on the unknown land. He became a bloodthirsty pirate and sailed on the ship «Flying Dutchman». He looked for the debtors. Captain Jack Sparrow became one of these debtors. Now he has to find out one hundred innocent souls in exchange for his one. These souls will be Davy Jones' slaves instead of Jack. Will Turner is an obstacle for Jack Sparrow's aim.

Florida is a large peninsula, washed by the Atlantic ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. The story tells us about a small tourist town Montego Bay, located on the eastern coast of this peninsula. Montego Bay has an interesting history from the deep past. The pirates discovered this place and hid the stolen treasures here. Montego Bay used to be their port. Nowadays the town has many mysterious legends. These legends make people crazy and they become desperate treasure seekers. One of them is Peter O'Nell. He used to be a school teacher and the children loved him. He bought a boat and began to sail a lot. One day he didn't come back. The boat was found empty on the Bermuda Triangle area. The police couldn't solve this case. Peter O'Nell's pupils come to help the police with the teacher's faithful dog. Will they be able to find out the truth?

Once there was a strong and clever king in one country. He was unhappy because the citizens of his country were wrongdoers. The king thought for a long a time how he could change his folk for the better. One day good idea crossed his mind. He built a big and nice stadium. It contained five thousand people. They thought it had been created for having a good time. They were wrong. There were two blue doors in the stadium. Behind one door there was a tiger. Behind the other one there was a beautiful lady. Since that time someone, who did something wrong, would have to go the stadium. There he would make a choice and open one door. He would either be eaten or get married to the lady. People were scared. The wrongdoers had to be very careful. Can people change?

This is the final part of the trilogy Pirates of the Caribbean. «Do you agree to go to the end of the world and farther to bring back the handsome Jack and his Pearl?» Bravely hurling himself with a sword at the villain, Captain Jack Sparrow disappeared along with his ship in the jaws of the monster. But it is naive to believe that the brave pirate Jack will disappear forever. After leaving the real world he found himself in a surreal reality. You will meet Will Turner again, who used to be a humble blacksmith and now he is a pirate. His beloved Elizabeth Swann made a mean act and it made Jack fell into the «eternal nowhere». What can we expect from Elizabeth after that? The answer to this question is located «At World's End.» In this part, the characters will face a common enemy. They will forget all their disagreements to defeat him.

Sometimes one little thing can change the whole life. This story is about a true love. We will learn how poor and painful our life can be without love. There is a doctor in the centre of the novel. He is a real professional and good-looking man. He works and lives alone in a flat in the centre of London. It was a usual day, when he saw an incredible doll in the shop not far from his house. The doll was a hand-made thing, made with much love and accuracy. It impressed the doctor and he bought this doll for his niece. Later he got a call. One woman asked him to come and examine her ill niece. Her niece turned out to be the creator of these wonderful dolls. The doctor had recently bought one of her works. This young woman was ill. Many years ago she was injured in a car accident. Now she is alone and has no meaning of life. She needs to love and be loved by someone.

In this book, you will learn about one of the first accents of Mount Everest. Those heroic men had a very bad equipment – only knitted jackets, forged boots and some ice axes. It was only the beginning of the twentieth century. In spite of such unfavorable conditions, they did something no one had ever done before. Nowadays it is quite difficult to imagine how it was possible to get such an achievement one century ago. And how they did their last step into the obscurity. Not many people dare attempt to climb Mount Everest even with the modern equipment. Only few daredevils manage to reach the top. It remains a mystery how these heroes really conquered Everest first. But in this book, you will find much compelling evidence.

It's a fantastic story of the most popular superhero Batman. Bruce Wayne was born in a rich and famous family in Gotham City in the USA. He hated the bats after he had fallen into the well where they attacked him. When he was a little boy, his parents were killed by the robber in front of him. A big suffering and a mental trauma were added to his phobia. Everything left a great scar on his soul. He blamed himself in his parents' death. He had been travelling the world looking for the answers. Desire for revenge and justice tormented him. Fate led him to Ducard from the League of Shadows. Ducard taught him the martial arts and helped to overcome his phobia of bats. Bruce Wayne came back to Gotham with the aim to restore order in his hometown. Now he knows how to use his fears in his favour.

It's so great when our parents travel due to their work and take you to the unusual places. There are many interesting and useful things you can discover. Last time, for instance, the captain of a Spanish pirate ship wanted to turn the children's parents into his slaves. Only fortune helped them to escape this fate. The children were even able to steal a treasure map from the pirates-ghosts. And now the adventures are waiting for them on summer holidays. The parents take the children to Bodega Bay — a small town with the marine reserve. It is located on the northern coast of San Francisco. Except the rare species of animals, this place is also famous of its history. Long time ago it was a pirates' secret place. With the map the children will be able to find the hidden treasures. However, the map is too difficult to read and they have only one week to explore the coast.

In 1742 an orphan boy came to the fishing village Moonfleat on the coast of Dorset. He is the last man from a Mohune family who were once a well know and important people at this place. Once boy heard some noise from the the tombs of Mohunes under the churchyard. He became where interested, and asked reverend Mr Glennie about it. Story about Blackbeard that he heard in an answerd, shocked and amazed young man. Legendary Colonel John Mohune also called as Blackbeard, who was very evil man. By the legend, Colonel made a will where he left a precious diamond for village people but he didn’t mentioned where this treasure was hidden. So that the boy decided to find the treasure.

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