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В целом, постепенный переход от одного уровня адаптированной литературы к другому не должен вызывать серьёзных сложностей. А вот переход от адаптированных текстов к обычным может сопровождаться некоторыми трудностями, но приложив немного усилий вы с ними справитесь. Не забывайте слушать аудио-версии книг, а если вы их ещё и пересказывать будете, то ваш уровень владения английским будет шагать вперёд семимильными шагами. 

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Everything happened in the summer. The protagonist of the book thought that it was very hot in the city. He wanted to take a walk in the forest, look at the mountains or the river, travel around the country and see it completely. The young man had a small red car and a good map. He went on a journey. Everything was great and he felt happy. The hot city was replaced by wide roads and green trees outside the car window. But one day the car broke down. The young man realized that he got lost in a completely unknown place. But then he saw a very beautiful long-haired girl in a dress. He decided to talk to her and got out of the car. He greeted this beautiful girl and said that he was lost. At first the girl was frightened by a stranger, but then she smiled and invited him to go with her to the village, where she would try to help.

It was a quiet and sunny day in the early summer. Thor and Loki were strolling around Asgard. Thor was bored. Thor did not like to rest and laze, he adored only one thing — fighting with the giants. He told Loki about that. Loki tried to convince Thor that Asgard was the most beautiful place in the universe and it was a great opportunity just to relax and enjoy the views. All his words were for nothing. Thor was not very interested. He was ready to harness the goats into the cart and fly to fight with the giants. His soul demanded something militant. After all, the giants themselves could appear in the land of Gods at any time and cause a lot of problems. Loki was not too convincing and he had to go on this dangerous journey with Thor.

Jean, a prominent scientist, is working on an important project. He is trying to invent an additive that can make people eat certain products. Jean wants to call his future invention WOW — the Water of Wanting. This substance can become revolutionary and bring him the recognition he deserves. Besides, the man has a more personal reason to create such an additive. Every day he watches his wife struggling to make their little son eat healthy food. Jean's boss is very excited about the project too. He expects to earn a lot of money if it is successful. But their plans are ruined when Jean sees the other side of this invention. People can get addicted to certain types of food and it can kill them. Jean quits the project and takes a vacation. But now it is up to his boss to decide how to use this WOW.

The first thing that happens after arrest is an interrogation at a police station. The police officer asks questions, and the offender answers or keeps silence. Some of them are silent, others trie to lie and make excuses. Ian likes to talk. He is ready to tell everything in detail. He begins his story with the fact, that the idea belonged to Tony. This is his younger brother, but despite their age difference — Tony has always been very smart. Ian just agreed. He is nervous, because it is impossible to feel comfortable in the interrogation room. There is a special chair and it is very uncomfortable to sit on it. The front legs are shorter than the rear ones. But nobody comes to the interrogation room of their own free will and Jan has to endure inconvenience and talk.

The main character of the book was born in NewYork, but lived in Hong Kong. He had a successful business in Asia and the money was always in abundance. Twenty years later, he decided to return home in New York. On the way, he stopped in California for a week. There he had a friend named Mohun Dampier. Dampier never worked. He just lived off his parents. Mohun was also convinced that the magic existed and ruled all his life. He enjoyed reading occult books. When the main character wrote to Mohun, he soon sent a servant to the hotel. In the evening, the main character went by taxi to his friend's house. It was a brick mansion near the ocean. Mohun changed a lot. He looked like an old man. Some interesting changes happened in his life.

New York consists of numerous districts. In one of such districts there are small streets called «places». Lots of artists discovered these places and decided to live there. Cheap rentals and old lofts were the things they liked. Later this place was named Greenwich Village. Sue and Johnsy opened a studio on the top floor of one old building. The real name of Johnsy was Joana. She came from California. Sue was from Maine. Soon they became best friends. Suddenly a dangerous disease came to their house. Sue got pneumonia. The doctor examined her. He said that the girl had only one way to survive — she had to obtain a passion to life. She needed either a beloved person or a life goal. Johnsy decided to help her friend recover.

At the end of the day, the young Goodman Brown went out into the streets of Salem Village. Then he returned to the house for a second, and his wife Vera kissed him. She desperately asked him to stay at home, but Goodman Brown answered, that he had to make this journey before dawn. Vera looked from the house and the wind started playing with her hair. The young man resolutely went down the road. When he looked back, he saw the figure of his spouse with the pink ribbons in her hair in the distance. The woman was standing on the threshold. Goodman was ashamed to make Vera sad. Still he kept going. It was getting dark and an Indian could be hiding behind every tree. But the man was going to meet his companion and he had to get there on time.

Strong people can easily take care of themselves. They are able to solve their own problems, and a little bit more — to help loved ones, and just people who need it. This is one of the nice possibilities of a really strong person. But what can the weak people do? What if it is a child, a sick person or an animal? And if it's just a small bird? Jan found this bird at the window of his bedroom, on a small ledge outside. The pigeon was wounded. It could not fly and clearly had to die. Ella offered Jan to give the bird to a person who had her own dovecote, but Jan refused. This is his bird and he must take care of it by himself. Ella did not understand him, but agreed. The pigeon felt worse than a week ago. Earlier it tried to fly, but now it was just lying without moving. But Jan was not going to change his mind.

Lieutenant Hermann Braille from Ohio was the best soldier in the regiment. No one knew him too closely, but the general treated Herman very well. Lieutenant Braille was a tall and handsome man. He had blue eyes and long blond hair. He always looked like a real gentleman. Even in battles he managed to wear a clean and tidy uniform. Herman was about thirty years old. He looked like a hero, which artists like painting on their pictures. In another battle, Hermann was just standing on the spot. The bullets and the shells were flying past. He did not make any movements, but nothing hurt him. After this incident, the other soldiers decided that the lieutenant was neither stupid nor immortal, but just a really very lucky man.

People can be courageous even in the most difficult times. The protagonist of this story also proves that he has great power. It was a warm August morning. Kenzaburo Oe got off the train. At such an early time, the city was still sleeping. Everything was unusually quiet. On a similar quiet August day, something fatal happened. The first American plane flew over Hiroshima and dropped a lethal bomb. It changed the familiar world forever. Lot of people say that this historical moment brought World War II to the long-awaited end. And it even saved hundreds of thousands of lives. But this bomb killed dozens of thousands of civilians. Even today, after sixty years, humanity feels the consequences of that awful tragedy.

Everything happened at St. James College. Two men were sitting at dinner and talking. One of them was Professor Parkins. He was a young man who took everything he did very seriously. He told his companion that he was going to leave college the next day. The man was going to play golf on the coast for about two weeks. During this time, he hoped to learn how to play better. After all, any business should be approached as seriously as possible. And golf is really a serious thing. Another man told about the old church of the Knights Templar in a small town nearby. He wanted to know whether it was worth visiting it. He also said that golf was a boring game of no interest for him at all. The professor said visiting a church could be quite an interesting activity.

Can you imagine how it is to lose a child? Most of people will not be able to. Most of people don't even want to think about such things, as they are really heartbreaking. Maggie has always been a brave and quick-witted girl. That's what everyone who knew her said. Everything happened during my driving test. I acted in a right way. I checked the mirrors and the belts. The traffic light turned green. Several pedestrians ahead: a woman and two children. The road ahead was thin and not very convenient. Hands on the wheel: for ten hours and two hours, as the instructor taught. I did everything right and recalled. Recently such things happened that it would be better to forget about them. Once and forever. Still it is impossible.

Everything happened in the city of Suffolk. The road went from the coast and climbed into the hills. A high mansion stood not far from the hill. It was built at the end of the eighteenth century. Behind the house there were other buildings and green gardens and in front of it there was a field of heather. Everybody could see the sea from it. Previously, this building was a popular hotel. And today it still accepts guests. Mr. Thomson came to this hotel. He was looking for a calm and pleasant environment to do his work. The man was the only guest, and the owner of the hotel and his wife kept the house clean. He was going to stay in the city for about a month: in the morning he would study, and in the evenings he would walk and communicate with the locals. During one of these walks, he saw something unusual.

Aunt Brenda runs a guesthouse in Hastings. This town is a popular tourist destination. When people come here, they usually choose to stay at her guesthouse. Aunt Brenda takes great pride in her specialty — 'Full English Breakfast'. Her husband Uncle Ralph is a butcher. All sausages provided by him are an integral part of the 'Full English Breakfast'. All Aunt Brenda's guests have tried the sausages and liked them. But Mr. Dunn is an exception. He refuses to eat the famous sausages because he is a vegetarian. He gave up eating meat for health reasons. Aunt Brenda doesn't take no for an answer. She decides to lie to her guest and gives him meat sausages saying that they contain only soya and herbs. This lie has shocking consequences.

King of the Black Islands Mahmoud died. His young son inherited the throne. Soon he married his cousin. The young man loved his wife very much and thought it was mutual. But the girl was a bad wife. She had no tender feelings for her husband. And also she was a witch. The king and queen had lived together for five years. But this king's happiness was not to last any longer. One day the monarch happened to hear a conversation between two maids. They said it was very sad that the queen did not love her husband. Every night the sly witch poured the sleeping potion into the king's glass and went to her lover. The next night, the king decided not to drink wine. In despair he followed his unfaithful wife to the wood and killed her lover.

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