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Aung San Su was born in Burma in a rich respected family. Su's father was killed when the girl was only two years old. But despite this, her childhood was happy. When the girl was fifteen, the whole family mo moved to India. Su was a very smart girl and became interested in politics. This occupation was very easy for her. She got into Oxford, where she met one Englishman. It turned out to be her destiny. Later the couple married. Su and her husband lived happily, but Su did not forget her father. She remembered that he died for his country — Burma. Aung San Su did not choose the simple life of a quiet and inconspicuous housewife. Her youthful interest in politics was not in vain. It changed her life. And also other people's lives.

The storyline of the book takes place in the early twentieth century. The plot begins with a correspondence between two people. These are Mr. Karswell and Secretary Gayton. Mr. Karswell sends an article to the club. Mr. Karswell considers himself an alchemist. He is very rich — that's all people know about him. Most believe that this person either tells a lie, or believes in something that does not exist. And now Mr. Karswell wants to meet with the club secretary and discuss all questions personally. One day, the secretary dines with his wife and friends. One of the friends says that he had recently seen Mr. Karswell. He lives in the province and communicates very little with his neighbors. People think he is a strange man. No one knows what this man does in his free time.

Small children love the sense of security. They like one and the same thing happening every day. They like everything familiar, and unfamiliar things make them feel uncomfortable. Avusi lives in a small village in Papua New Guinea. His mother works in the city. She takes care of other children. Every morning Avusi wakes up from the sound of his mother's voice as she's going to work. Every time Avusi asks for permission to go with her, but she always refuses. Avusi does not like to be without her. One day he asks if it is true that Mom is working in a house with many ghosts? After that, she allows Avusi to go with her. He learns that there are many other people who do not look like him. And ghosts can be not as scary as he thought.

It was New Year in the city of Shiraz, Persia. Lots of people came to the central square. The king and his family were also present. There was music around and people were dancing. There were snake charmers, jugglers, a variety of drinks and delicious food. Suddenly a man with a beautiful ebony horse approached the king. He told the king that it was an unusual horse. If you pressed a button on its neck, this horse would be able to fly and bring the passenger to any place. The king got interested. He wanted to get such a magical horse. The man agreed to present it if the king allowed him to marry the princess. First the monarch ordered his son to test this horse. The prince pressed the button on its neck and disappeared in the clouds.

Odette was born in the north of France in 1912. During the First World War, her mother gave housing to some British soldiers for free. The girl saw a good example of a strong woman since childhood and this greattly affected her future life. Odette moved to England in 1931 as her husband was English. When World War II began, Odette told the family that she wanted to become a military nurse. But it was a lie. In fact, she became a spy. This is a story about a brave woman who wanted to be useful, like her mother. But her work turned out to be much more important and dangerous. A young spy risked her life and got into very dangerous situations. She managed to make a significant contribution. Not everyone can endure such ordeals as Odette.

Mr. Williams worked in the museum, which was located at the Oxford University. The man expanded the collection of monuments of the English culture of this institution: notes, drawings of churches and country houses. Mr. Williams thought that his work would be the most serene in his life, but even here he found unpleasant surprises. He found many good exhibits for the museum and sent the list to regular customers several times a year — in case some of them wanted to buy something. In response, he received letters with the numbers of photos. On that day, he received another message in which it was reported that he should carefully study one of the pictures. The author of the picture was unknown. It was an image of a country house with a rather high price.

This book presents another adventure of the world famous sailor and adventurer named Sinbad. It is the second tale out of seven. Sinbad was born in Baghdad. His life was full of exciting travelings. After the first voyage, he spent some time in comfort and tranquility. But very soon Sinbad got bored. The tireless sailor wanted to go into the open sea and raise the sail once more. He packed his belongings and set off for the port of Basra. There he found a good ship, ready for a long journey. Sinbad began his new long-awaited adventure. His fellow travelers were merchants who sold and bought things. Sinbad followed their example. The first several months were calm and monotonous. But then something interesting happened.

Ana was born in the east of Cuba, in a small unremarkable town. She was a cheerful child and loved running from early childhood. Sport was important not only for her, but also for her family. The Cuban government was interested in good doctors, smart teachers and strong athletes. At the age of ten, Ana became a good runner. She won most of the competitions in running, some of them — barefoot. The girl was training every day. She worked hard and waited for that moment, when someone would notice her. In the end, she succeeded — the girl was invited to one sports school. Other children were tall and strong, and the girl herself began to lose speed. She was getting heavier and slower. But soon Ana met a man who helped her regain motivation. She obtained a new life goal.

Each summer is hot in the south of America, but this summer turned out to be very hot. The August was warmer than usual. All the animals on the plantation were having a rest. Fox was sitting quietly in the shade of a huge tree and drinking cold lemonade. Everything was great, except one thing. It was Rabbit. Fox did not like Rabbit. However, no one loved him. This guy was a lover of dubious jokes and could play a trick on anyone. Before his appearance, the plantation was a quiet, cozy place, but Rabbit came out of nowhere and tricked Fox, Bear, Turtle and Wolf. His best joke was a scarecrow of resin in a straw hat. He put it in front of Fox's house. Of course, Fox stuck to the man of resin. Since that time, he had been disliking Rabbit.

Della's home is a cheap flat in poor area in New York. The rent for the flat is thirty two dollars per month. Tomorrow is Christmas, but Della does not have money. You can't buy a good present for less than two dollars. Della has already counted her money for three times — one dollar and eighty-five cents. It isn't enough. Della bursts into tears. Earlier James earned thirty dollars a week, but later the salary greatly decreased. They have not enough money. Della just looks into the window and sees a grey cat. She wants to buy a memorable gift for James, but she can't afford it. But she has bright eyes and long golden hair. They own only two treasures for two: Della's gorgeous hair and James's watch. He got it from his grandfather.

Mr. Hall was a priest from a small village. One day he was working in the office when his servant entered. The woman was alarmed. She said that the squire died. Mr. Hall was surprised, because he had seen this man the day before. But soon the church bell rang, notifying the village of someone's death. It was true. People said that the squire suddenly got some terrible unusual disease. He passed away very quickly and they decided to bury him as soon as possible. The priest took his clothes and left the office to learn all the details. As it turned out, the squire said he did not want to be buried in the family crypt. He wished to be buried in an ordinary grave in a cemetery. The priest thought that the man was too ill to realize what he was talking about. But the last desire must be fulfilled.

Johnny Appleseed was born near Boston. When he was a child, he often played in the woods and talked to the animals. They were his friends. He loved them very much. The boy's family was extremely religious. So Johny's first book was the Bible. But the boy also loved reading Aesop's Fables. In adolescence, Johnny worked as a missionary and brought many Indians to Christianity. They became his friends too. At the age of 26, he saw an angel in a dream. The angel ordered him to go throught America and plant apple seeds. Johnny was surprised, but happily agreed. He was a decent guy and loved helping people. This seemed a good deed to him. He took a large bag of apple kernels, a Bible, and Aesop's Fables. That was all Johny needed on the way.

It was the end of the eighteenth century. One man of science lived in the world. One day he left his laboratory and met a young beautiful woman. Later she became his wife. Aylmer sincerely loved his spouse, but still science remained the main passion of the young man. One day, he looked at his wife and asked if she knew that he could remove the birthmark from her cheek. The wife said this birthmark only gave her a special charm. Aylmer kept standing on his own. He said the mole was very annoying. But these words only made his wife sad and the woman started crying. This mole looked like a small handprint. Her parents said that the fairy stroked her cheek in the childhood. Even after this Aylmer did not calm down. He became obsessed with the birthmark.

Bill was born in the 1800's as the youngest child in the family. When he was two years old, his parents decided to move to the West of America. It seemed a good idea. The family loaded all their belongings into a covered trailer. A difficult journey began. They rode through hot plains, dense forests and mountains. The family saw a lot of interesting things and met a tribe of friendly Indians. Already in Texas, little Bill fell out of the trailer. No one noticed. Later everybody searched for him for a long time — in vain. Bill's relatives decided to continue the journey without their youngest child. The little baby was able to survive. He find a coyote cave. Some wild animals started protecting him. The boy lived with the predators for about twenty years.

This story begins with an unusual scene. A civilian in the clothes of a planter is standing on the bridge. There are several soldiers in the form of the Confederate States near him. The Civil War is going on in Alabama.The only spectators of this scene are a few more soldiers standing nearby. The civilian is looking at the water thinking how to escape. He is dreaming of returning to his wife and children and is ready to use the slightest chance for this. But the captain nods and the penalty begins. The second part of the story begins from the life of a wealthy slave owner. He lives in Alabama and did not join the army. But still he is ready to help the Confederate States. And soon the slaver gets this long awaited opportunity.

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