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Учебные материалы по английскому языку

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В английском языке существуют пары прилагательных, которые отличаются только окончанием: либо -ing, либо -ed. Но именно окончание влияет на значение слова. В чем же их различие, какие прилагательные мы употребим в каких случаях? Давайте разберемся.

Еще раз напомним, что прилагательное (Adjective) – это слово, которое обозначает признак предмета, лица или явления. Оно отвечает на вопрос «какой?». Давайте рассмотрим, как образовать степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке.

Имя прилагательное – одна из основных частей речи. Она описывает те предметы, лица и явления, о которых мы говорим. 

Прилагательное – это часть речи, которая обозначает признак предмета и отвечает на вопросы «какой?», «чей?». Мы употребляем прилагательное вместе с существительным, чтобы показать признак или свойство последнего. Благодаря прилагательным наша речь становится разнообразной и эмоционально насыщенной.

This unbelievable story happened to little Megan on a famous Scottish island Skye with a shape of a butterfly. This place has an old history, beautiful nature and varied fauna. Megan had to leave London with its traffic and noise according to the prescription of her mother's doctor. She had been a lonely child. Megan had spent six months in London and hadn't found any friends. Other girls from her school hated her and sent disgusting messages. And now she came to this marvelous island where her uncle lived. On the way to her uncle Megan saw a unicorn which disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Perhaps this trip won't be so sad and frustrating as she had imagined before? Will she be able to find something special for herself?

Two friends Brian and David arrived in Brazil from a small English town to take part in the rally through the Amazon jungle. They have been travelling in Europe on the motorbikes and participating in all competitions. Now they are going to ride through the jungles. But there was one thing, which worried one of the boys. The local newspaper printed a note about the Indians, who lived in the jungles. The Indians were very unkind. They thought the miners were going to take their land. His friend didn't pay any attention to it. Wonderful competitions were waiting for them. The next four days were promising to be exciting! However, different things happen to the transport. There was something wrong with Brian's bike from the very start. Will Brian and David be able to win?

Monica was walking down the streets in Cairo. She came to a fantastic place. It was a shop selling the presents. It had an exciting decor creating an Asian dream, some kind of an Arabian fairytale. The shop was full of different colourful things and perfect good. Strange, but the shop was empty. There were no customers and even salesmen. Monica found a necklace with a blue stone among the goods. A woman in red appeared from nowhere. She told Monica about the stone, which turned out to be an Egyptian scarab. The woman took the girl to another place outside the shop. She treated Monica to a cup of tea and told her the story of the stone. It was used for making the gods statues so it has a mystical strength. Monica felt tired. She fall asleep and saw her late father in a dream.

Sir Thomas started his career in India. He did some secret favor for Rajar of Kashgar. In acknowledgment Rajah presented Thomas a valuable thing — his famous diamond. In his homeland this English soldier became one of the most richest and famous people. After returning to England he married to a rich and noble woman. Harry Hartley was a sixteen-year-old orphan and worked as a private secretary for Sir Thomas. This work was no pleasure. His master was a difficult person. He always shouted and was angry with Harry. Unlike Sir Thomas his wife Lady Vandeleur was kind and friendly. The young servant often carried out many different private errands for her. Unfortunately, the next errand led Harry to the bad consequences.

Geoffrey Chaucer created this book in 1387. At that time the religion was the most important thing for European people. It was very popular to go on pilgrimages. It means travelling to famous Christian cities to be near to God. People said their prayers and asked for well-being or repented about something and supplicated for help. A group of people went on a pilgrimage to Canterbury, a town in England. Their aim was Canterbury Cathedral. At the beginning of their journey one member of the group suggested a game to entertain everybody. All of them had to tell one story. The best story would win a prize at the end of the journey. Everyone had something he wanted to share. The stories were very different. You'll hear much interesting from a Knight, a Clerk, a Merchant, a Franklin and a Pardoner.

Mr Henry Williams is an excellent bank manager and has limited computer skills. He has a good network manager Mike who organized a new computer system in his bank. Everything was going well and when Mr Williams was in Bermuda in his mind, dreaming about holiday, he heard a scream of his staff. All system had crashed. It was awful, computers didn't want reboot. Doors were opened and closed when they wanted. Light turned off and turned on the same way. And a head of technology lost his access for system. Someone obtained full control of the bank. Virus was spread through e-mail and entire staff opened it. Mike was powerless to solve this problem and was fired immediately. The question appeared on display of a computer addressed to Mr. Henry. Someone asked him, was he ready for game?

The creators of this collection were just simple guys. They enjoyed collecting and retelling funny local tales. Later they started printing them in the «Guardian» — the famous London newspaper. The stories were quite strange and made the readers laugh. In ten years the authors chose the best tales and published a book «Urban Myths». The book became very popular. Nowadays you can hear these stories on the radio or TV. «Urban Myths» consists of many city stories. Their plot is similar to many stories which are in almost every city on the planet. But it's just a fiction. One can learn one and the same story in different countries. Only the characters will have absolutely various local names.

Данный материал посвящен самостоятельному причастному обороту в английском языке. Его второе название – The (Nominative) Absolute Participial Construction. Иногда его называют абсолютным или независимым причастным оборотом, а порой и вовсе сложным обстоятельством, ведь именно эту функцию он выполняет в предложении. 

Еще одной неличной формой глагола в английском языке является причастие (Participle). Оно сочетает в себе признаки прилагательного, глагола и наречия. 

Такой формы, как герундий, в русском языке не существует, поэтому некоторым бывает сложно понять эту тему. Так что же представляет собой герундий в английском языке?

Самостоятельный инфинитивный оборот. В английском языке она имеет следующее название – Absolute Infinitive Construction.

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